NEWS / ATI beginnt mit Auslieferung der Radeon 9700 Pro Platinen

24.08.2002 06:30 Uhr    Kommentare

ATI hat nun endlich mit der Auslieferung der ersten Radeon 9700 Pro Grafikkarten begonnen. Dies wird uns allerdings nicht viel nützen, da wir in Europa keine Retail-Versionen bekommen werden. ATI wird den Europäischen und Asiatischen Markt den OEM-Herstellern wie zum Beispiel Hercules, ENMIC/HIS, Club3D, Sapphire und vielen anderen überlassen. Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung von Hersteller ATI...

"MARKHAM, Ontario - ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX: ATY, NASDAQ: ATYT) began shipping the RADEON™ 9700 PRO to retailers on August 19, and will appear on shelves soon. Based on the highly acclaimed RADEON™ 9700 series visual processing unit (VPU), the RADEON 9700 PRO is revolutionizing the graphics industry with its break-neck speed and cinematic-quality graphics.

"Today´s highly competitive graphics industry does not tolerate companies announcing a product and waiting up to six months to ship it," said Rick Bergman, Senior Vice President, Marketing and General Manager, Desktop, ATI Technologies Inc. "ATI´s delivery on its promise to deliver the RADEON 9700 PRO to market quickly attests to the company´s flawless execution strategy and its leadership in the graphics space."

Boasting many industry firsts, the RADEON 9700 represents the new foundation for the future of graphics, enabling cinematic-quality previously possible only with off line real time rendering. This new foundation is defined by breakthrough features including eight parallel rendering pipelines, Microsoft® DirectX® 9 support, AGP 8X support and a fully programmable floating point architecture.

The RADEON 9700 PRO vastly exceeds the performance of any other product on the market in every key area and will be the most sought-after graphics board for the holiday season. Among its pioneering advancements, the RADEON 9700 PRO includes 128-bit floating point raster pipeline, over 110 million transistors, four vertex engines and ATI´s SMARTSHADER™ 2.0 and SMOOTHVISION™ 2.0 technologies for unprecedented realism..."

Quelle: ATI, Autor: Patrick von Brunn
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