NEWS / Neues Xaser III: Thermaltake Lanfire

18.07.2003 06:30 Uhr    Kommentare

Hersteller Thermaltake hat mit der Xaser III Serie bereits eine der erfolgreichsten Gehäuse-Serien auf den Markt gebracht. Nun bekommt die Familie ein neues Produkt beigefügt, das Thermaltake Xaser III Lanfire. Das Lanfire soll über die üblichen Xaser III Features verfügen, jedoch ein wenig leichter und mit Tragegurten ausgestattet sein. Erste Produkte sollen ab August 2003 erhältlich sein...

"Thermaltake Technology today announced its plan to offer a highly manageable and portable case: Xaser III Lanfire edition. "We realized that as the trend of LAN Parties kept on growing steadily, people will be looking for a way to cut down on the weight which they have to carry to and from the party" commented Thermaltake Kenny Lin, And we also create a new logo for LAN party event. You will find this logo on the series products.

Lanfire is only 4kg and you can call it "Ultra-light" and thanks to its aluminum built body and built-in Hardcano 9. Case is equipped with 4 built-in silent operation fans: two 80mm for intake and two 80mm for exhaust. Updated Hardcano 9 is capable of controlling all the included fans and more with backlit LCD temperature display. With the weight of only 8.8 pounds, comparable to a fully loaded laptop, users can now pack in their high-end hardware and take it wherever they go.


Lanfire will be available in August 2003 worldwide. Please for detail specification and future updates..."

Quelle: E-Mail, Autor: Patrick von Brunn
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